HomeNew Update10 Biotin Rich Foods to Nourish Hair, Skin and Nail

10 Biotin Rich Foods to Nourish Hair, Skin and Nail

Do you want to boost the health and beauty of your hair, skin and nails in a natural manner? Naturally known as Vitamin B7, Biotin is fundamental in the growth of hair, skin as well as nails. In this blog post, we will be analyzing the ten foods that are highest in biotin and which you should integrate into your diet if you want to improve your looks.

Biotin rich foods

Biotin rich foods are foods that are rich in Biotin, a vitamin B7 that is required in metabolism processes of the human body. More often biotin is used as a nutritional supplement because it aids in converting food into energy and it helps in hair, skin, and nails. As has been highlighted earlier, proper biotin stimulates hair growth, enhances skin elasticity, and strengthens nails.

What is Biotin?

According to classification, biotin is in the group of B-vitamin soluble in water, and is also known as vitamin B7. This vitamin is crucial for many bodily functions, including: This vitamin plays an important role in numerous processes within the body and include the following:

  • Energy Metabolism: The role of Biotin in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins ensures that the food you are bound to take contains this nutrient. This energy is required for the performance of normal metabolism in your body, and your body organs, and other organs of the body.
  • Keratin Production: In other words the body uses biotin in the construction of the protein known as keratin which in turn is the compound that gives hair, skin and nails their structure.

Why is Biotin Important for Hair, Skin, and Nails?

Hair Health:

  • Keratin Formation: Hairs are that part of the body which is mainly composed of the protein called keratin. Biotin aids to build up the structural framework of keratin required for the growth of healthy hair. It has also been found that without sufficient biotin, the building blocks that form the keratin structure of hair could thin or even cause hair loss.
  • Growth Stimulation: Naturally, biotin strengthens the hair as it also works to enhance the health of hair roots. The benefit of treating the hair with coconut oil also means that your hair strengthens and grows thicker.
  • Preventing Hair Loss: There is evidence that claims that taking biotin supplements can help restore hair and decrease hair loss in people with biotin deficiency.

Skin Health:

  • Hydration and Protection: They also found that Biotin plays a vital role in skin health because it assists in synthesis of fatty acids that the skin needs to stay moisturized and shielded from damage. Drinking water benefits the skin as it makes it softer, smoother and has a better and brighter skin tone.
  • Preventing Dermatitis: Biotin deficiency is known to cause skin issues such as dermatitis; inflammation of the skin and skin break out or acne. Incorporating adequate amounts of biotin rich food in our diet is important if we wish to have clear skin without breakout.
  • Healing: Furthermore, biotin aids in the growth of new skin cells and this is very important in the process of healing as well as in achieving an even skin tone.

Nail Strength:

  • Preventing Brittle Nails: This disease is accompanied by a weak lack of nails that easily break or split showing a lack of biotin. It also helps in the tightening of the fiber referred to as keratin resulting into robust nails that cannot be easily damaged by biotin.
  • Growth: Again like the hair, biotin rich food will enhance the growth of nails. It is therefore possible to get strong and faster growing nails if one takes foods that are biotin rich food regularly.

Signs of Biotin Deficiency:

Biotin deficiency is rare, but when it occurs, it can lead to: Biotin deficiency is rare, but when it occurs, it can lead to:

  • Such hair types: thin hair, and hair alopecia
  • Dryness of the skin or skin rashes such as dermatitis
  • Brittle nails
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Mood changes, like depression

Biotin-Rich Foods to Include in Your Diet

1. Eggs

Eggs especially the yolk are one of the richest natural sources of biotin. Thus, they are a source of biotin rich food and one cooked egg has as much as 10 micrograms of it which may be a useful addition. Besides biotin rich food, eggs also contain protein which is crucial in the creation of keratin – the protein that makes your hair, skin as well as nails. Eating eggs makes hair strands stronger and can assist in improving skin’s flexibility as well as not causing brittle nails. It does not matter whether they are fried, boiled, or even scrambled eggs, these are nutritious meals.

2. Almonds

An almond is a rich source of biotin vitamin e and tasty natural fats and edible seeds. Basically, ¼ cup of almonds is equivalent to 1 small apple and has approximately 1 gram of trans fat. 5 micrograms of biotin. Actually, vitamin E, contained in almonds, neutralizes the damaging effects of the oxidation in the cells, affecting your skin. Almonds, that are rich in healthy fats, help to reinstate the skin’s natural lipid layer thus maintaining the moisture balance of the skin. Apart from that, consumption of almonds on a regular basis leads to thick and shiny hair as well as stronger nails.

3. Sweet Potatoes

They include sweet potatoes which are tasty food and also contain biotin rich food . One medium sized sweet potato, has about 2. 4 micrograms of biotin. They are also very rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and is very vital in the health of the skin. Sweet potatoes are rich in biotin and vitamin A that assist in having a clear skin, strong hair and strapping nails. They are very tasty and can be used in both savory and sweet recipes to enhance the taste of the meals.

4. Spinach

Spinach is a well-known veggie replete with biotin rich food, iron, folate, and Vitamin C; one cup of the cooked spinach gives roughly 0. 5 micrograms of biotin. The iron present in spinach has more capacity to transport oxygen to hair follicles leading to growth of hair;; the vitamin C present plays a role of increased collagen synthesis for firm skin. Spinach has a wide nutrient density which helps in giving tissues their health needed to support nails and glowing skin. You can take spinach through salads, smoothies, or stir-fries to enjoy the beauty from spinach.

5. Salmon

Believe it or not, this fish is also a source of biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, as well as, vitamin D – all vital for making your hair shiny and skin smooth while improving your nails. Biotin rich food: Salmon contains this vitamin too and you can intake 5 micrograms of it from a 3-ounce serving. Salmon contains omega three fatty acids which are very efficient in maintaining the moisture of the scalp that, in turn, eradicates dryness and build-up of skin cells commonly associated with dandruff.

6. Avocados

Avocados are biotin rich food ; containing between 2-6 micro grams of biotin per fruit.. They also contain good trace of monounsaturated fats that assists in maintaining the skin moist and youthful . This makes avocados perfect for hair which is strengthened by the presence of biotin which aids in formulation of keratin. Not only that, avocados also contain healthy fats that can decrease inflammation and increase skin elasticity so it is a good food for maintaining young-looking skin. Try the best practices for avocado consumption: Cutting it into cubes and using it as a topping for salads, putting pieces of avocado in a blender for smoothies, using it to replace butter and spreading it on toast.

7. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are crunchy and consist of biotin rich food which may be easily integrated in ones diet. Fresh 90 gm sunflower seed yields about 10 gm of sunflower seed kernels, which approximately equal to 1/4 cup of serving. 6 micrograms of biotin. It also contains vitamin E and a mineral called selenium that have skin maintenance properties and support your immune system. The nutrients present in them helps in maintaining the skin, prevents hair loss and makes the nails strong. They should be used to garnish salad, yogurt, or oatmeal so that you can enjoy these healthy foods and have a crunchy feel.

8. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are some other source that contains biotin rich food, 1 cup of mushrooms cooked contain biotin of about 2. An average serving of the vitamin should contain about 6 micrograms of the vitamin. It also contains antioxidant compounds that assist in shielding the skin from radiation or any other harsh influences in the environment such as UV radiation and toxins. The biotin found in mushrooms is beneficial to the hair and nails as well as the antioxidants which are useful in preventing the skin from aging. They are very nutritious and can be taken in different ways, be it in stir fry, soup or any other way.

9. Cheese

Cheddar or any kind of cheese contains biotin among other nutrients that one requires in his or her diet. Just a single slice of cheddar cheese gives almost 0. 4 micrograms of biotin. Cheese also contains protein and calcium that can also help to strengthen nails also grow healthy hair. However, cheese like any other dairy product should be taken in moderate proportions because of its fat content. Although cheese is a fat content, it can be an excellent addition to your meals. Take cheese in appropriate portioned proportions as part of a meal to improve hair, skin and nails.

10. Oats

Oats are excellent sources of biotin rich food, where 100 gm of oats or 1 cup of cooked oats give about 0. 2 micrograms of biotin. They are also rich in fiber which keep the digestive system healthy and any person with a healthy digestion system is assured of good absorption of nutrients including the biotin. Oats can also assist in controlling diabetes which in turn assists in healthy skin production. Sprinkle oats on your cereal or have oatmeal for breakfast, add oats to your milkshakes or bread and cakes for a biotin intake.


Including these biotin rich foods in your diet can help improve the well being of your hair, skin, and nails to an incredible level. Thus, by taking biotin-rich foods you can assist your body to outdo its inherent natural projection of beauty by growing and repairing muscle tissue, nails, skin, and hair.

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